#!/usr/bin/newlisp ;; file: rep.lsp ;; purpose: read-eval-print loop by Tk text widget ;; tcl script in rep.tcl provides interactive text window (tk "source rep.tcl") ;; escape double quotes the electrical way ;; avoids quoting hell by hand (define (escape str) (join (map (lambda (c) (if (member c '("\"" "\\")) (append "\\" c) c)) (explode str)))) ;; print-form of typed Lisp data (define (typedString el) (cond ((string? el) (append "\"" (escape el) "\"")) ((list? el) (append {(} (join (map typedString el) { }) {)})) ((array? el) (typedString (array-list el))) (true (escape (string el))))) ;; the command Tk will send on <Return> ;; "println" is a Tcl script to write in Text window (define (respond expr) (let (a (typedString expr)) (tk (append "println " (typedString a))))) ;; eof
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